Moonlock Lab

Moonlock’s 2024 macOS threat report

Moonlock Lab Team

Dec 3, 202414 min read

Moonlock 2024 macOS threat report (Header image)

For decades, Apple devices have enjoyed a reputation for being mostly malware-free. However, with a 60 percent increase in market share in the last 3 years alone, macOS has become a prime target for cybercriminals, and the tide is turning.

Now, macOS-targeting malware is on the rise, and stealers have become a critical cybersecurity concern for macOS users. In this 2024 macOS threat report, Moonlock Lab dives into the growing threats facing macOS.

The growing threat landscape targeting macOS

2024 saw a noteworthy increase in malicious activity targeting macOS users, with significant growth in both the variety and accessibility of macOS malware. The darknet was flooded with posts and discussions on bypassing macOS defenses, leveraging AI tools for malware development, and capitalizing on social engineering to distribute macOS malware-as-a-service (MaaS).

One striking shift has been the decrease in costs associated with acquiring macOS malware. A malware service that once might have cost tens of thousands of dollars is now available for just around $1,500 per month.

AI tools powering macOS malware development

In 2024, we’ve seen threat actors turn to AI tools like ChatGPT to simplify the process of malware creation. Screenshots from darknet forums reveal interactions with AI that guide attackers step-by-step on how to pack macOS malware with PyInstaller, create DMG files, extract Keychain data, and even target crypto wallets. One Russian-speaking threat actor known as “barboris” openly shared their process, using AI to piece together a macOS stealer while admitting they had no prior coding experience.

This highlights a troubling shift: AI is empowering inexperienced individuals to create malware.

With just a few prompts, attackers can generate scripts and implement advanced techniques that would have required significant expertise in the past. The barrier to entry is lower than ever, and AI has become a new ally for cybercriminals seeking to launch macOS-focused campaigns.

A screenshot of the forum post from "barboris" offering a ready-made malware service that targets macOS.
Barboris’s post on Exploit forum, translated into English.
A screenshot of the original, untranslated forum post in Russian from "barboris" offering a ready-made malware service that targets macOS.
Barboris’s original Russian-language post on Exploit forum.
A screenshot of a ChatGPT prompt in which the AI explains how to use a piece of malware.
Barboris’s post on Exploit forum, Chat-GPT usage.
A second screenshot of a ChatGPT prompt in which the AI explains how to use a piece of malware.
Barboris’s post on Exploit forum, Chat-GPT usage.

The rise of MaaS

The macOS malware landscape has shifted with the rise of malware-as-a-service (MaaS). What once required significant resources — like the $100,000 macOS certificates sold by the actor RastaFarEye in 2023 — can now be achieved with simple social engineering tactics.

A screenshot of a forum post advertising the writing of malware for macOS.
A user advertising macOS services on Exploit forum in 2023.

Attackers are increasingly providing installation guidance to their victims, offering instructions that trick them into manually bypassing macOS’s Gatekeeper, thus eliminating the need for expensive certificates.

A series of step-by-step instructions on how to bypass Gatekeeper on macOS so that a malware package can be installed.
Examples of Gatekeeper bypass guides so that malware packages can be installed on macOS.

MaaS has made macOS malware more accessible than ever. On October 20, 2024, the Russian-speaking actor NeoOriginal announced an upcoming macOS stealer priced below market averages, reflecting growing competition in the malware economy. This affordability lowers barriers for attackers and expands the pool of potential adversaries.

A screenshot of the forum post by NeoOriginal promoting a macOS stealer priced below market averages.
NeoOriginal promotes a macOS stealer.

With tools becoming cheaper and easier to use, macOS threats are no longer as rare as they used to be. The rise of MaaS means we’re likely to see even more widespread and diverse campaigns targeting macOS users in the near future.

AMOS Stealer as an example of the MaaS ecosystem

The rise of MaaS has not only lowered the cost of macOS malware but has also transformed the way cybercriminal operations are structured.

AMOS Stealer, one of the most prominent macOS MaaS offerings, serves as a perfect example of how this model operates. From its initial launch in April 2023, AMOS has demonstrated a well-coordinated system that can efficiently drive malware campaigns at scale.

By breaking down the structure of AMOS Stealer, we can see how the MaaS model works in practice and why it has become a game-changer for macOS malware. Let’s dive into how each role contributes to this ecosystem.

The core of AMOS Stealer’s operation lies with its developer, known as “atomicseller.” Initially offering AMOS on the XSS forum for $1,000 a month, the developer provided a comprehensive package that included a customizable malware builder, an administrative panel for log management, and features for targeting Keychain data, cryptocurrency wallets, and sensitive files.

A screenshot of atomicseller promoting AMOS malware.
Atomicseller promotes AMOS.

Additionally, atomicseller promoted AMOS through a dedicated Telegram channel, amos_macos. This channel served as a hub for direct purchase inquiries and updates, with contact information pointing to accounts like @Ping3r (redirecting to @DrKarlik).

A screenshot showing an advertised price for AMOS malware.
The initial AMOS price.

One of AMOS’s standout features is its administrative panel, a centralized hub designed to streamline operations for Stealer operators. The panel offers an overview of stolen data, including cookies, passwords, credit card details, and more.

A key feature of the administrative panel is the File Builder feature, which allows affiliates to customize malware packages for specific campaigns. This functionality enables threat actors to adapt AMOS to different scenarios and tailor delivery methods to maximize success.

A screenshot of the AMOS File Builder feature.
The AMOS File Builder feature.

Interestingly, it was an affiliate, “MRKiskis,” who suggested improvements such as implementing an Autobuilder feature and providing file generation via API. These ideas were eventually adopted, enhancing the File Builder’s functionality and making AMOS more attractive to its user base.

A screenshot of a forum post from MRKiskis suggesting the implementation of an Autobuilder feature.
MRKiskis suggesting the implementation of an Autobuilder feature.

Another feature is the Cookie Converter, which simplifies the exploitation of stolen cookies. The tool includes 2 fields: cookie input and cookie output. Affiliates can paste raw cookie data into the input field, and the tool automatically processes it into usable formats for session hijacking. 

A screenshot of the AMOS cookie converter feature.
The AMOS Cookie Converter feature.

These advanced tools significantly enhance the effectiveness of AMOS’s affiliates, particularly the traffer teams responsible for distributing the malware.

Traffers use diverse methods such as Google Ads poisoning, fake GitHub repositories, and impersonated software downloads to distribute AMOS. Victim data — cookies, passwords, credit card details — are then sold on forums like COOKIE.PRO, where the AMOS developer is believed to have direct ties. Affiliates also promote their services on the Telegram group AMOS LOGS CHAT (, often coordinating campaigns and sharing updates.

Several potential affiliates have been linked to AMOS operations:

  • Tonbrute: Active on multiple forums, involved in money laundering and fraud
  • Metafb: Specializes in distributing malware through Facebook campaigns
  • am2aw: Focuses on selling stolen credit card information

One affiliate, known as Baptist, played a prominent role by targeting victims via Google Ads and selling AMOS-generated logs. Buyers of these logs typically exploit the stolen data to hijack sessions, steal funds, or resell the credentials to other threat actors.

A screenshot of the forum post by Baptist advertising stealer logs for sale.
@Baptist promoting AMOS stealer logs for sale

This structured ecosystem — comprising developers, traffer teams, and log buyers — shows how the MaaS model thrives on collaboration. Each role is crucial: Developers create and maintain the tools, traffers distribute the malware, and buyers monetize the stolen data. Together, they create a streamlined system that allows even inexperienced attackers to profit.

A graph showing the breakdown of the malware as a service (MaaS) business structure.
The MaaS structure breakdown.

It’s worth noting that this streamlined system not only lowers barriers for attackers but also aligns with the broader growth in macOS malware, as highlighted in the 2023–2024 sample statistics you will see below.

Malware Statistics: A comparative view of 2023 vs. 2024

When comparing malware sample counts from 2023 to 2024, some fascinating trends emerge. While we can’t be 100% certain about the motives behind these shifts, the data paints a picture of evolving cyber threats and operational strategies. Here’s a brief overview of what stood out this year.

Adware is still the leader

At first glance, the significant drop in adware samples in 2024 might lead us to believe that defenses have improved or attackers have deprioritized adware. However, our internal statistics tell a different story.

A bar graph of unique adware samples seen in 2023 vs. 2024.
Yearly comparison of unique adware samples observed.

Adware still accounts for a staggering 73.37% of all malware detections in 2024 — and we’re not talking about hundreds of cases but millions of detections. This underscores the fact that adware remains a dominant threat in terms of scale, even if the sample counts in 2024 appear lower than in 2023.

A breakdown of percentages of malware detection rates among users.
Malware detection rates among CMM users.

The discrepancy likely points to a refinement in attacker strategies. Adware campaigns may now be more focused, using fewer samples to deliver widespread infections. Alternatively, improved targeting mechanisms or distribution methods could explain the lower sample volume but continued high detection rates.

The April spikes in backdoors and exploits samples

Backdoor and exploit samples alike experienced significant spikes in April 2024 of their respective totals. This parallel trend raises the question of whether attackers were using exploits to deploy backdoors during this time.

A bar graph of unique backdoor samples seen in 2023 vs. 2024.
Yearly comparison of unique backdoor samples observed.
A bar graph of unique exploit samples seen in 2023 vs. 2024.
Yearly comparison of unique exploit samples observed.

The charts strongly suggest coordinated campaigns. These types of malware often go hand-in-hand. Exploits provide entry points, and backdoors ensure persistence.

Ransomware: Major presence, low user impact

Ransomware trends in 2024 reveal an interesting contradiction. While sample activity shows notable peaks in June and October, detection rates among users paint a different picture.

Ransomware detections accounted for just 0.011% of all malware detections among individual users despite the large number of samples observed on platforms like VirusTotal.

A bar graph of unique ransomware samples seen in 2023 vs. 2024.
Yearly comparison of unique ransomware samples observed.

This discrepancy may reflect the nature of ransomware campaigns. Ransomware often targets corporations and companies, where attackers can demand larger payouts and cause more disruption. By contrast, individual users are less frequently targeted. Many ransomware samples circulating in the wild may also be under development, used in testing, or poorly distributed.

Accessible and ever-evolving stealers

Stealers stand out as one of the fastest-evolving malware categories. Their accessibility through MaaS offerings has led to a dramatic increase in samples. In 2024, these tools have become more accessible than ever, with some being offered for as little as $1,500 per month on underground forums.

This affordability has likely contributed to the October spike, as more individuals or groups can now afford to buy and deploy them. But it’s not just about accessibility — stealers have also become incredibly dynamic. The malware ecosystem resembles an ongoing cat-and-mouse game: Developers work tirelessly to evade static detection, releasing obfuscation updates almost weekly. This rapid evolution means that tens of new samples are being generated every week, further contributing to the growing volume of activity we observe.

A bar graph of unique stealer samples seen in 2023 vs. 2024.
Yearly comparison of unique stealer samples observed.

For a deeper dive, we’ll explore 3 comparative samples — one from the end of 2023, another from May 2024, and a final sample from late 2024 — in the next section. These examples will highlight how stealers are evolving, their obfuscation tactics, and what defenders need to watch for in the future.

A look at macOS malware techniques

While macOS malware has seen growth in volume and accessibility, it still lacks the level of sophistication found in Windows malware. One key example of this is the use of packers.

In 2024, we didn’t observe many custom packers tailored specifically for macOS threats. Instead, adversaries relied heavily on readily available tools like PyInstaller, UPX, ShellCompiler, and Nuitka.

A breakdown of the packers utilized by macOS malware in 2024 with percentages.
Top packers in macOS malware in 2024.

Similarly, VM evasion techniques in macOS malware demonstrate some strategic but limited implementation. In 2024, June and October saw the highest usage of VM evasion, while other months, like January, showed minimal adoption.

This variability indicates that VM evasion is not yet a universal feature in macOS malware but is instead deployed selectively during specific campaigns.

A line graph of the observed trends in VM evasion by macOS malware in 2024.
Trends in VM evasion by macOS malware in 2024.

Evolution of AMOS (Atomic Stealer): A comparative analysis of samples

To illustrate the development of macOS malware, we analyzed 3 distinct samples of AMOS (Atomic Stealer) from different periods in 2023–2024. This evolution highlights the ongoing adaptation and refinement of malicious techniques used by macOS-focused threat actors.

It’s well known that the trend of macOS PSW stealers is growing, as they consistently bring profits to cybercriminals. This means that certain processes will continue to evolve: 

  • Malware development: In this case, we will focus on continuous improvements in malware capabilities to resist analysis and evade detection.

Throughout the year, we have monitored malware linked to AMOS groups. So, we have prepared 3 malware samples for you, each highlighting certain characteristics. In the table below, you will find the main differences between them.

Note that in the context of this section, the payload is defined as the main functionality of the stealer that the malware developer aims to conceal from analysis and detection.

VirusTotal first submission2023-11-142024-05-142024-11-11
Application typeDMG with malware MachoDMG with malware MachoDMG with malware Macho
Using AppleScript interpreter for stealer logicYesYesYes
Using Bash interpreter for stealer logicYesYesYes
Install image prompts the user, bypassing GateKeeperYesYesYes
AppleScript prompt to enter user passwordYesYesYes
Similar file name: “Sysinfo.txt”YesYesNo
The “FileGrabber” string in payloadplaintextplaintextObfuscated, observable in behavior
Path string in URL (extract user data)“/sendlog”“/joinsystem”“/joinsystem”
Cmd “system_profiler” for gathering system informationYesYesYes
Similarity tracking table.
LanguagesSwift, Objective-C, C++C++C++
Payload ObfuscationNoThe plaintext payload is split into small partsThe payload is obfuscated through multiple layers
Code ObfuscationNoExcessive functions to hinder analysisExcessive functions to hinder analysis
Obfuscation tracking table.

Key takeaways on stealer evolution

We observed a trend over the last year where AppleScript and Bash were used to implement the functionality of stealers. For example, in the Sample-End-2023 column in the chart above, stealer functionality was tightly integrated with the code, but no obfuscation was applied.

Malware developers began to realize that the time required for analysis and the ease of detection directly impact their revenue, leading them to improve subsequent iterations.

In Sample-Mid-2024, Swift and Objective-C dependencies are absent, and obfuscation was introduced. However, this obfuscation was not sufficiently effective and only marginally increased the stealer’s lifespan.

Currently, in Sample-End-2024, the C++ code serves as a dynamic wrapper that constantly changes and deobfuscates the payload differently for further execution. Instead, the payload contains all the stealer’s functionality and realizes it using the AppleScript and Bash interpreters.

A logical conclusion is that the next step will involve altering behavior, making it vary across samples of the same generation.

Below, you will find more extensive information.

Samples Data


Malware detection rates showing 30/62 vendors flagging a file as malicious.
VirusTotal first submission: 2023-11-14.
A screenshot of the installation instructions for a piece of malware posing as a Google Chrome Update.
The installation banner asks the user to install in a way that bypasses Gatekeeper.


  • a40d65307e67af3f18246669957114fa5f5e8de3bd7e2178b86e6a78f644dcf3 – dmg
  • eed1859b90b8832281786b74dc428a01dbf226ad24b182d09650c6e7895007ea – macho

Behavior IoC

/usr/bin/osascript osascript -e display dialog 'macOS needs to access System settings Please enter your password.' with title 'System Preferences' with icon file 'System:Library:CoreServices:CoreTypes.bundle:Contents:Resources:ToolbarAdvanced.icns' default answer '' giving up after 30 with hidden answer

Data IoC
osascript -e '

system_profiler SPHardwareDataType                                                                                                                                                                                    
system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType


Malware detection rates showing 22/55 vendors flagging a file as malicious.
VirusTotal first submission: 2024-05-14.
A screenshot of the installation instructions for a piece of malware labeled as CrackInstall.
The installation banner asks the user to install in a way that bypasses Gatekeeper.


  • 4daed3dac458d35ffc8ce69208b414054330cfe658f73d48f8ac79ecf7aad2b7 – dmg
  • 8eced9a4c30be965c24e5275c5d80356a197cfceb449a5b17a65c04ef336ba70 – macho

Behavior IoC

/usr/bin/osascript osascript -e display dialog 'To launch the application, you need to update the system settings \n\nPlease enter your password.' with title 'System Preferences' with icon caution default answer '' giving up after 30 with hidden answer
/usr/bin/osascript osascript -e tell application 'Terminal' to set visible of front window to false 
/usr/bin/sw_vers sw_vers
/usr/sbin/system_profiler system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType 
/usr/sbin/system_profiler system_profiler SPHardwareDataType

Data IoC

osascript -e '

system_profiler SPHardwareDataType                                                                                                                                                                                    
system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType


Malware detection rates showing 19/62 vendors flagging a file as malicious.
VirusTotal first submission: 2024-11-11.
A screenshot of the installation instructions for a piece of malware posing as a Launcher.
The installation banner asks the user to install in a way that bypasses Gatekeeper.


  • 394fb5a7321ef62296d7119efe0874626aaf03ab033544428a120f648da0323b – dmg
  • 3aa19478fd67fcc5faaa2eebb01046594394c43619640e10b5a7ec79613c8314 – macho

Behavior IoC

... repeatset result to display dialog 'Required Application Helper.\nPlease enter password for continue.' default answer '' with icon caution buttons {'Continue'} default button 'Continue' giving up after 150 with title 'System Preferences' with hidden answerset password_entered to text returned of resultif checkvalid(username, password_entered) ...

... do shell script 'ditto -c -k --sequesterRsrc ' & writemind & ' /tmp/'send_data(0)do shell script 'rm -r ' & writeminddo shell script 'rm /tmp/' ...

Decoded Data IoC

osascript -e '
system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType SPHardwareDataType SPDisplaysDataType

Similarities among samples

As we can see in these samples, common patterns are observable. Some of them appear consistently from Sample-End-2023 to Sample-Mid-2024 and from Sample-Mid-2024 to Sample-End-2024:

  1. All the samples use AppleScript (string “osascript -e ‘”) to run stealer logic.
  2. The same dmg installation scheme with an image prompts the user to install an application, bypassing Gatekeeper (e.g., “1 STEP,” “RIGHT CLICK,” “2 STEP,” “CLICK OPEN”).
  3. A similar privilege escalation method appears, where an AppleScript prompt asks the user to enter their password under various pretenses (e.g., “… display dialog …”).
  4. Identical commands for gathering system information are used (“system_profiler,” “SPHardwareDataType,” “SPDisplaysDataType”).
  5. Similar file names, such as “Sysinfo.txt,” appear in the first 2 samples.
  6. The “FileGrabber” name is present. It’s in plaintext in the first 2 samples. In the last one, it’s obfuscated but observable in behavior.
  7. Similar URLs follow the format ip/domain + 1 string as the URL path (e.g., “/sendlog” in the first sample, “/joinsystem” in the following 2).

Binary features



  • The list of libraries indicates that the application was created using the following languages: Swift, Objective-C, and C++.
  58 0x00000c10 /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
  59 0x00000c48 /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
  60 0x00000c78 /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
  62 0x00000d08 /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib
  63 0x00000d48 /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCoreFoundation.dylib
  64 0x00000d90 /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCoreImage.dylib


  • (No) 

We see string artifacts indicating stealer functionality. It appears that for this iteration, the stealer developers did not bother with obfuscation to complicate analysis and detection.

A screenshot of code associated with a piece of malware featuring "FileGrabber."
AppleScript and Bash payload (Part 1).
Examples of strings that define functionality executed using AppleScript and the Bash interpreter (part 1).
AppleScript and Bash payload (Part 2).
Examples of strings that define functionality executed using AppleScript and the Bash interpreter (part 2).
AppleScript and Bash payload (Part 3).



  • Created using C++
  33 0x0000068c /usr/lib/dyld
  35 0x00000718 /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
  36 0x00000748 /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib


  • (Yes)

An excessive number of functions is used to confuse the analysis.

An example of the malware payload split into smaller parts to make analysis/detection harder.
Table of functions.
An example of snippets of malware code (part 1).
Decompiled code of payload creation.
An example of snippets of malware code (part 2).
Disassembled code of payload creation.

There is no encoding or encryption of the payload visible in the screenshots. The payload is split into small parts and stored in different memory locations. This is intended to make static analysis or detection harder.

However, in reality, this is not an effective obfuscation technique because some fragments are stored sequentially in memory, making it quick to understand the logic and create a signature.

An example of snippets of malware code (part 3).
Disassembled view of payload data.



  • Created using C++
 23 0x000004fc /usr/lib/dyld
 24 0x00000588 /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
 25 0x000005b8 /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib


  • (Yes)
An example of snippets of malware code (part 4).
Disassembled view of encoded payload data.

At first glance, the payload obfuscation uses a “hex to string” method, which is easy to analyze.

However, this is just the beginning. After conversion, we get unreadable text that will be processed later in the code to complicate the analysis.

A screenshot of the unreadable text that results after conversion.
CyberChef decoding of stealer payload.

As seen in the screenshots below, we can highlight the following key points:

  1. Payload processing is localized across many functions to make analysis harder.
  2. Non-standard methods are used sequentially.
  3. Comparing similar samples from late 2024 shows that the processing pattern and function call order keep changing, making static detection more difficult and using patterns for malware code generation.
A snippet of code showing the use of patterns for malware code generation (part 1).
Decompiled code of stealer entry function.
A snippet of code showing the use of patterns for malware code generation (part 2).
Decompiled code of function to process payload.
A snippet of code showing the use of patterns for malware code generation (part 3).
Decompiled code of another function to process payload.

The behavioral pattern shown below has remained almost unchanged in recent months, meaning dynamic (behavior-based) detection will still work.

Code showing the use of filegrabber malware.
Stealer process spawn.

The payload uses AppleScript and Bash interpreters and handles all the stealer’s logic. The C++ code implements an obfuscated wrapper that deobfuscates and executes the payload.

Key takeaways and how to stay safe

MacOS malware is evolving fast. With MaaS making malware cheaper and easier to access, we’ve seen how whole teams and business models are driving this growth. The 2023–2024 statistics show persistent threats like adware, backdoors, and stealers adapting to stay effective.

Our look at AMOS Stealer samples from late 2023 to 2024 shows just how much effort attackers put into avoiding detection. As defenses move toward behavior-based detection, the logical next step for attackers will be to alter malware behavior dynamically, making it unpredictable across samples.

But the most important takeaway is this: Awareness is key. Attackers rely heavily on tricking people through social engineering. By staying alert, avoiding suspicious downloads, and questioning prompts that don’t feel right, we can protect ourselves and stay ahead of these evolving threats.

This is an independent publication, and it has not been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Apple Inc. Mac and macOS are trademarks of Apple Inc.

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Moonlock Lab is a team of malware researchers and reverse engineers, whose expertise is at the core of Moonlock's cybersecurity products.