Imagine turning on your Mac only to discover that your browser has become irritatingly sluggish and throwing up unsolicited ads here and there. Or that the processing speed has slowed noticeably. This could...
Passwords are usually your first line of defense against hackers and scammers, so it’s important to change password on iPhone every now and then. This will ensure that even attackers who know your...
Google has built some strong security features into Gmail, like two-factor authentification and encryption, making it difficult for cybercriminals to pull off a Gmail password hack. However, not all users activate 2FAs, and...
Although Apple’s iOS system is built for privacy and security, any device, system, and network can be hacked — even an iPhone. As alarming as that sounds, don’t worry. There are ways to...
The amount of sensitive data we store and use daily in the digital world is increasing rapidly. From financial data to e-wallets, and even information about remote work, the risks of ransomware and...
Remember the good old days when flip phones reigned supreme and the most high-tech mobile device was a Blackberry? In those simpler times, we didn’t have to worry about the dangers of carrying...
The photos we store on our phones are like windows into our personal lives. Fortunately, there are ways to protect your photos from prying eyes — and many reasons why you might want...
With over 2 billion active users worldwide and strong security features, WhatsApp is the world’s most used mobile messenger. Users love it because it runs on both iPhone and Android and is fast,...
Even if you aren’t an internet expert, you’ve probably at least heard of the terms “deep web” and “dark web.” Many people think they are the same thing, while others wonder what they...
It’s no secret that Apple’s flagship product, the iPhone, has a massive following. Most users love the easy interface and the ability to customize settings. However, some users want so much control over...