Cybersecurity blog for humans

News, tips, tutorials, and everything else you may need to stay safe and protect your loved ones in a technology-powered world

Reading Newspaper
Cybersecurity news and stories that matter, from a recent cyber attack to the latest data breach
FBI remotely wiped Chinese malware from 4,000+ U.S. computers: Header image
The United States Department of Justice and the FBI announced that they remotely removed Chinese-linked malware from approximately 4,258 US-based computers and networks.  The announcement comes at the conclusion of a multi-year international...
Jan 27, 2025
6 min read
Combating online scams, fakes, and spam to make your web experience safer
The latest cybersecurity threats, vulnerabilities, and attacks you should know about
From photos in cloud storage to files in a vault, here's how to protect your data
Privacy is your right. Here's what you should know about data privacy and protection.
How hacking works, how to tell you've been pwned, and how to keep your devices safe
16 common hacking signs: How to tell you've been compromised (Header image)
How many devices and accounts do you use every day? From personal social media to work-related email accounts and messaging apps, the digital landscape continues to expand. And with this expansion, your data’s...
Nov 9, 2024
15 min read